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5 Landing Page Examples PROVEN to Convert

    What are some great landing page examples you can use as inspiration for your next design?


    The best way to convert website visitors

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    7 Ways to Show Authority in Copywriting

      It is a writer’s goal in copywriting to convince the reader. Readers are more likely to trust good, authoritative copy since it sounds more honest and cater to their interests, wants, and needs. As a result, response rates are better and there is a higher likelihood that the desired results

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      Your Worst Customers May Be Your Best Resource

        Think for a moment about your company’s most valuable customers. What characteristics, put a customer on that list? The amount of revenue attributed to that customer? Ease of working with him or her? 


        Someone who just pays the bills and doesn’t ask for anything extra? Someone who sends you new

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        Why You Should Choose a Niche for Your Blog Content

          A lot of people who start blogs have the idea that their content will be valuable to anyone and everyone who visits their site, whether or not those people are in the same field as them or even remotely interested in what they have to say. The unfortunate reality is

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          Find Your Truth Tellers

            When you start a business, there will be no shortage of people ready to share their doubts.


            They’ll tell you that it will never work, you’re crazy to take on the risk, you’re going to work yourself to death, and question whether you really understand what you’re getting into. On

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            How To Stay Away From Work-At-Home Scams

              With more parents wanting to stay at home with their children, and more elderly people needing extra money to supplement their retirement income, work at home scams are on the rise, too.


              The sad thing is the people being scammed don’t have the money to lose, but scammers con them

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